Matches : 10/20. (2-1) Match consisted of Zombie Agents vs Gustos ( Aaron + Agent = win), Malefic Gk vs Chaos Dragons ( Nate + Chaos Dragons = win), Hero Anti-meta vs Laval Synchros (Aaron + Hero= win).
Deck Size: 5/5 There wasn't any problem with the deck size, along with the decks used.
Deck Construction 10/15. The deck was fine, but there were some things that you could've done to make it better. For 1 thing, Serene Psychic Witch > Gusto Thunbolt. The main reason in this, is because Thunbolt activates at the end of the battle phase. During that time anything can happen to prevent his effect from going off and ss 1 gusto from your deck. Serene rather banishes the monster, so not much can affect the monster banished, expect for someone maining imperial iron wall (which mostly won't be the case). "Liberty at last" works alot better than gustos than mirror force. Little to none people will have a card to go around Liberty. The deck works off of being destroyed by battle, so its even better than that. It also elimates boss monsters your opponent has such as Archlord Kristya, and better yet, your opponent can forget about it coming back with things like call of the haunter and monster reborn, because its going back to the deck. You can also use it on your own monsteres if necessary.
You had shadow-mirror in your chaos dragons. You deck is a chaos deck. It runs off of dark monsters such as tour guide, Darkflare, and DAD. You also have Lumina, but there are other options such as Dimensional Alchemist, or another lyla to force pushes in games.
Originality & Creativity: 7/10. You did use chaos dragons here. Although not really a big fan on "originality & creativity" it is a must here. You had different techs in the deck, but the techs rather in general was slowing down your chances to win. In this case Orignality < Card Choices and builds.
Dueling skills: 20/30: I didn't do anything to try and check to see if you could see if I was cheating. You did make a couple of misplays throughout the match. In duel 1 instead of keeping daigusto sphreez, you went for lifetrance. Considering my deck was agents, and it focuses on grinding you down, I would have to keep attacking, as I had to grind you through battle and using up your cards. In game 2, you didn't set sangan, and you summoned darkflare dragon. You were running Chaos Dragons more as if it was a beatdown deck. I couldve easily used prison on you to get rid of sangan, and you were losing card presence fast. You were a bit anxious and not really patience in this duel/ Luckily my hand was really bad, and you pulled off the win in a matter of a few turns. In game 3, you used up 2 rekindling when I had 3 backrow just to pull of snynchros, not to mention that you used 1 day of peace in that same turn. You should've tried eliminated my backrow 1st, using up 2 when you can't even otk wasn't the optimal choice. Losing 2 rekindling basically cost you game and you weren't lucky enough to draw another 1, and eventually I won.
Ruling Questions: 8/10 You got 4 correct and 1 wrong. I don't wanna say which 1 for testing purposes.
Attitude and Deck Switching: 10/10. You switched decks in all 3 duels, and didn't have an attitude.
Total: 70/100. You are joining Dark Creator Black. I would say some techs you need to work on, and deck building card choices as well. Better judgments when dueling certain decks could be worked on as well. Try also changing up what you use in testing as well. Decks that have a little versatility, instead of relying on 1 certain move/play (Lavals).
Edit: Didn't realize that deck construction is 15. +7 from 63.