OK class is now in session.
In this class we will talk about building a deck.
It may see to you that i'm just blabing, you think anyone can make a deck.
Well there is more to there than meets the eye.
Every deck has a weak and strong points so there's no unbeatable deck and there's no deck that can't win a duel.
Shall we get started__
Decide your playing style - This is important, as it determines how people would look at you as a duelist. Are you a rash duelist who would rapidly summon, attack and activate cards? Or are you the deep thinker who would analyze your hand and field before making a move? Or maybe the duelist that would remove cards from play so your opponent cannot use them again? Considering these would help you choose a deck archetype.
Choose your deck type -a themed deck, or one that follows a specific theme of cards. Never have a deck with too many cards in it. This is referred to as card salad, and you will be not drawing parts of combos.
Choose your deck basis - I'd rather recommend a themed deck, as the cards are least likely to get banned, resulting in sure playablity. Refer to the tips for a link about archetypes.
Choose your monsters - Once you know what deck you want to play, and how you want to play it, choose your base monsters. Every archetype will have at least 10 main monsters. Once you've put them into a list of cards you'll want, add in the appropriate support. Keep that to around 18 cards, unless you really need it, like in the case of maybe the Elemental Heroes.
Control quantity - You should have:
LV 1-4: Around 12
LV 5-6: Around 4
LV 7-8: Around 1 or 2
LV 9 and above: Never more than 2
Choose your spells - Once again, around 1/3 of the 12 spells in your deck would be for monster support/combos. The rest would be attributed to favourites and staples. Add them into your list once you've decided.
Choose your traps - I'm very particular about this, 10 traps, no more, no less, for any deck type. The only exception is for decks that rely on traps, like decks which have many weak monsters. Among these, 3-5 should be support for your deck type, and the rest should be staples like Mirror Force, Sakuretsu Armor, and Trap Hole.
Lay out your cards and make sure that they work together well. Its no use if you have cards that do not work together well. List the cards that you need to improve your deck and make it your business to buy those cards. Watch the cards your common opponent plays. Also add some generic cards in your side deck that you can use later on, in between duels.
Half your deck should be made of monster cards. One monster card for every spell/trap in your deck.(excluding some special archtypes like prophecy/spellbook and six samurai)
Those are some few pointers that should give you a layout how a deck should look like also don't be afraid to test a deck then modifiy then test then modifiy ---- don't be lazy to have a perfect deck
P.S. : The big test from 5 lessons i was telling will be in a week
there will be 142 points and if you score 130 or above you can get a special prize of your choice
Prizes included : Single tournament license
Re-Test Item
Dorm Up
GFX Shop license
the ones who get 100 or above will get 500 NDC $
and you have to score 72 or more to pass the test
and yea only 5 people can take this test but next 5 lessons other 5 people will take the test (example: lessons 1,2,3,4,5 test will take first five people lessons 6,7,8,9,10 will take other five people that DIDN'T take the first test)
Study alot x)